Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 22, 2020

Today is a drizzly rainy day and I intend to clean house and bathe/trim Pebbles. However, I plan to go into prayer and give my day to the Lord first … so those plans might change.

Prayed for 69 members of my family.
Prayed for the Salvation Praying Group
Prayed for the Power Hour of Prayer Group
Prayed for 40 church members by name
Prayed for 50 lost people by name
Prayed forgiveness of any sin I may  have committed and I pray for wisdom & guidance

I am so thankful that I got to spend time with Ray, Shirley and Doug yesterday in Ray's back yard.

John 1:14-16 The Word (Jesus) became a human being and lived with us. He brought us undeserved kindness and truth.

I am reading THE SIMPLE CHURCH by Thom S. Rainer & Eric Geiger. It is exciting to see how a simple church can have a process for new believers that has a starting place and grows them into mature Christians. Our church is missing some of the steps. I pray we follow these examples.
Reading pages 124-128 WOW it gets me excited ... discussing what ever we come up with as a process, but I keep thinking it will be KNOW GOD, FIND FREEDOM, DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE, PLAY YOUR ROLE! I think it would be good to have a committee with a leader for each area overseen by Pastor - each group could make sure that their area is being taught, discussed and internalized by everyone at LebNaz.

I pray that I might have a heart for the lost just like God does.
Help people know who God is today.                                                                                         

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

April 21, 2020

Day two of my return to being accountable to myself. During this corona virus isolation time I find I am either being very productive or being a slug. Where is the inbetween?  I am not happy with my routine so I need to be praying about my daily path.

Prayed for 69 members of my family.
Prayed for the Salvation Praying Group
Prayed for the Power Hour of Prayer Group
Prayed for 40 church members by name
Prayed for 50 lost people by name
Prayed forgiveness of any sin I may  have committed and I pray for wisdom & guidance

I thank You for sunny days that I might be outside enjoying. I thank You for rainy days because it makes me appreciate the nicer days that much more. I thank You for hope, funds and the family to have fun camping.

John 1:9-13 We become the children of God not because of nature or because of desire ... only because God is the one who makes us his children. He chooses us.

I am reading THE SIMPLE CHURCH by Thom S. Rainer & Eric Geiger. It is exciting to see how a simple church can have a process for new believers that has a starting place and grows them into mature Christians. Our church is missing some of the steps. I pray we follow these examples.
Reading pages 120 - 124 Talks about measuring the success of moving people from baby Christians to mature Christians. Our Breeze program will help with this when we get it all put together.

Listen to the path God wants me to take today. He has been bringing evangelism to my mind every morning and I want to follow what He asks me to do.

Monday, April 20, 2020

April 20, 2020

April 1, 2020

I quit blogging/journaling for almost 2 years now, but find it is something I really need to do each day for myself, for accountability.

Prayed for 69 members of my family.
Prayed for the Salvation Praying Group to increase to 12 by the end of the year.
Prayed for the Power Hour of Prayer Group to increase to 24 by the end of the year.
Prayed for church average attendance to continue to increase to 150 by the end of the year.
Prayed for 40 church members by name
Prayed for 50 lost people by name
Prayed forgiveness of any sin I may  have committed and I pray for wisdom & guidance

I am giving You praise Father, for the book Simple Church. It once again has me excited that there might be a good path for our church to follow.

First I watched a video by Francis Chan - Be still and know that I am God!
Then I read starting with the Gospel of John as it is the Book of the Bible that strengthens faith.
John 1:1-8 Starts right away telling us that JESUS is the WORD and the LIGHT.

I am reading THE SIMPLE CHURCH by Thom S. Rainer & Eric Geiger. It is exciting to see how a simple church can have a process for new believers that has a starting place and grows them into mature Christians. Our church is missing some of the steps. I pray we follow these examples.
Reading pages 116 - 120 about illustrating how one church accomplished simple.

Pray about the Simple Church information and that I do not go out ahead on my own.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

October 6, 2018 Saturday

Father,  I guess I missed yesterday, but maybe it is a draft ... I will have to look later. I am excited because tonight is the Roaring 20's Bunco Party and lunch with Donna, Franky and Marki. Father help us to do your will today. In Jesus name, Amen

Prayed for members of my family.
Prayed for ministries in our church - for each member of those groups & their families
Prayed for prayer warriors by name
Prayed for church members by name
Praying for of the lost on our list by name.

Prayed for the personal requests that have been confidentially asked of me to pray.
Prayed forgiveness of any sin I may have committed. I pray for wisdom, guidance and ears to hear and for feet to follow. Draw me closer, build my faith and reveal Yourself to me.
Pray for our church to be a house of prayer and the prayer life of the congregation to be elevated.
Prayed for the Salvation Praying Group to increase.
Prayed for the Power Hour of Prayer Group to increase.
Prayed for my position as one of the Stewards that I am equipped to do a good job.
Prayed for our women's prayer breakfast group WINGS
Prayed for church average attendance to continue to increase to 150 by the end of the year.
Other Prayers for today:
Pray for my dear friend Donna every day! Today for her and Ken to be comfortable in RV.
Prayer posted on Salvation Praying Page.
Prayer for Lebanon posted.
Posted a prayer image on Meghan Hiatt, Nancy Lee, Terry G. and Denise pages.

PRAISES AND BLESSINGS: Thank You Father for:
1 - the beautiful autumn colors.
2 - a furnace that warms my home on cool mornings.
3 - getting to have lunch with Franky, Donna and Marki today!
4 - the sounds of birds, crickets and frogs!
5 - doctors that care for great great niece's fractured wrist.

2 Thessalonians 3:3  But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.

Continuing to copy each verse regarding PRAYER, PRAYS, PRAYING from the Bible. I have the New Testament done and have started adding meanings, applications etc to each verse.

Too Busy Not To Pray by Bill Hybels
Chapter 3 - The real reason my prayers were weak was that my faith was weak. Change that by opening your bible and studying God's ability to accomplish anything He desires.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

October 4, 2018 Thursday

Father, Wow You gave me so much energy to get the back yard winterized. It is looking a lot neater then it was went I went out. I only need to trim up the strawberry vines, mow, weed eat and maybe spray a few areas out back. I pray that today as Doug and Shirley come to help me finish fixing the tent garage structure that all goes well and according to your plans not mine! Help us with this project. Love, adore and stand in awe of You. In Jesus name, Amen

Prayed for members of my family.
Prayed for ministries in our church - for each member of those groups & their families
Prayed for prayer warriors by name
Prayed for church members by name
Praying for of the lost on our list by name.

Prayed for the personal requests that have been confidentially asked of me to pray.
Prayed forgiveness of any sin I may have committed. I pray for wisdom, guidance and ears to hear and for feet to follow. Draw me closer, build my faith and reveal Yourself to me.
Pray for our church to be a house of prayer and the prayer life of the congregation to be elevated.
Prayed for the Salvation Praying Group to increase.
Prayed for the Power Hour of Prayer Group to increase.
Prayed for my position as one of the Stewards that I am equipped to do a good job.
Prayed for our women's prayer breakfast group WINGS
Prayed for church average attendance to continue to increase to 150 by the end of the year.
Other Prayers for today:
Pray for my dear friend Donna every day! Today for her and Ken to be comfortable in RV.
Prayer posted on Salvation Praying Page.
Prayer for Lebanon posted.
Posted a prayer image on Mary B., Kim H., Jean L. and Sharon's pages.
Thank You Father for:
1 - those sweet strawberries from my garden.
2 - the dark this morning because it makes me appreciate the light when it arrives.
3 - garbage trucks that will haul off all my garbage.
4 - toilet paper - just saying!
5 - all the flavors God created for us to enjoy.

2 Thessalonians 2:3   But don't be fooled! People will rebel against God. Then before the Lord returns, the wicked one who is doomed to be destroyed will appear. This needs more study for me!

Continuing to copy each verse regarding PRAYER, PRAYS, PRAYING from the Bible. I have the New Testament done and have started adding meanings, applications etc to each verse.

Too Busy Not To Pray by Bill Hybels
Chapter 3 - It seems better to live with almost any difficult situation than to continue to pray ineffectively.

LISTENING FOR GOD   He has revealed to me that I like the safety of my home and operating from there, not so much the going out and doing part.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

October 3, 2018 Wednesday

Father, I know it was by your hand that I went to the staff meeting. Still not sure why, but it is an obligation and I fulfilled it. I am anxious to go out and burn the raspberry plants I have cut down in prep for winter. Now to get them gone and enjoy an outdoor fire and coffee! But I do not want to rush through my prayer time. I love you!!! In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayed for 67 members of my family.
Prayed for 15 ministries in our church - for each member of those groups & their families
Prayed for 16 prayer warriors by name
Prayed for 53 church members by name
Praying for 54 of the lost on our list by name.

Prayed for the personal requests that have been confidentially asked of me to pray.
Prayed forgiveness of any sin I may have committed. I pray for wisdom, guidance and ears to hear and for feet to follow. Draw me closer, build my faith and reveal Yourself to me.
Pray for our church to be a house of prayer and the prayer life of the congregation to be elevated.
Prayed for the Salvation Praying Group to increase.
Prayed for the Power Hour of Prayer Group to increase.
Prayed for my position as one of the Stewards that I am equipped to do a good job.
Prayed for our women's prayer breakfast group WINGS
Prayed for church average attendance to continue to increase to 150 by the end of the year.
Other Prayers for today:
Pray for my dear friend Donna every day! Today for her and Ken to be anxious and worry free.
Appreciation post about Pastor Sheridan on our prayer page.
Prayer posted on Salvation Praying Page.
Prayer for Lebanon, especially the prayer warriors.
Posted a prayer image on Jeanne Amundson, Paula Fenner, Doc Sandy and Abby's pages.
Thank You Father for:
1 - my good health.
2 - a bed to sleep in each night.
3 - clean water to drink.
4 - a garden that produces great food.
5 - the opportunity to know and love my friend Donna. (I am going to miss her so much as she is moving)

2 Thessalonians 1 Jesus will come and there will be judgement. Oh people believe this!!!

Continuing to copy each verse regarding PRAYER, PRAYS, PRAYING from the Bible. I have the New Testament done and have started adding meanings, applications etc to each verse.

Too Busy Not To Pray by Bill Hybels
Chapter 2 - Finishing this chapter. it is so expressive of how God wants to bless us and we need to learn and learn that we are his children that  he loves us and wants us to have ... so let's love him to pieces and accept our undeserved blessings!

LISTENING FOR GOD  Felt led to post "I am praying for you" images on peoples facebook pages today and do that every day. Started yesterday with Donna Rose and listed the 4 above for today.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October 2, 2018 Tuesday

Father, this morning I dread going to Staff meeting. I tell myself I am still fighting a cold and should stay home. That is the truth, but I think I could go. Help me with that decision. I really want to have more energy so I can get things done ... I need to clean my house and get the yard ready for winter. Help. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayed for 67 members of my family.
Prayed for 15 ministries in our church - for each member of those groups & their families
Prayed for 16 prayer warriors by name
Prayed for 53 church members by name
Praying for 54 of the lost on our list by name.

Prayed for the personal requests that have been confidentially asked of me to pray.
Prayed forgiveness of any sin I may have committed. I pray for wisdom, guidance and ears to hear and for feet to follow. Draw me closer, build my faith and reveal Yourself to me.
Pray for our church to be a house of prayer and the prayer life of the congregation to be elevated.
Prayed for the Salvation Praying Group to increase.
Prayed for the Power Hour of Prayer Group to increase.
Prayed for my position as one of the Stewards that I am equipped to do a good job.
Prayed for our women's prayer breakfast group WINGS
Prayed for church average attendance to continue to increase to 150 by the end of the year.
Other Prayers for today:
Pray for my dear friend Donna every day! Today for her and Ken to be anxious and worry free.
Appreciation post about Pastor Sheridan on our prayer page.
Prayer posted on Salvation Praying Page.
Prayer for Lebanon, especially the prayer warriors.
Posted a prayer image on Donna Rose's page.
Thank You Father for:
1 - that the weather is still warm.
2 - for the food in my refrigerator.
3 - for ears to hear children laughing.
4 - for my access to internet where I can share.
5 - for my God who gives me fresh hope each day.

1 Thessalonians 5:24 The one who calls you is faithful ...
Chapter 5 is not only warning, but is full of glorious hope for the day when the Lord comes.

Continuing to copy each verse regarding PRAYER, PRAYS, PRAYING from the Bible. I have the New Testament done and will not add it to the computer since I hand wrote each verse. Then I will add study notes for each verse and see what happens.

Too Busy Not To Pray by Bill Hybels
Chapter 2 - The Lord has so much to bless with and looks for opportunities ... let's not mess up let's not miss out, let's be blessed .... just as you love giving to your children, nieces, nephews, spouse, God loves giving ... so be blessed!

LISTENING FOR GOD  Prayer walks ... hospital?